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Leave people better than you found them
We like to use lines like “you don’t owe anyone anything” to get out of dealing with emotionally charged situations.   Lines like that are designed to validate poor behavior. No, we don’t owe anyone...
Waiting for The Other Door to open
I keep waiting for something to happen. Anything. A glimmer of hope to guide me out of the dark corridor I find myself fumbling through.   Everyone always talks about the door that closes in...
There is no Roadmap to Finding Love
Stop giving other people your unsolicited love advice. In fact, stop listening to other people’s love advice. I know you’re afraid of falling that deep again. Of feeling that stupid again.Or, of feeling...
Why You Have to be Enough For Yourself
I’ve always wanted to be enough for someone. A girl worthy of moving mountains for. A girl radiant enough to stand out amongst the crowded room. A girl worth the pains of long distance. A girl worthy...
March 23: Manifesting Possibility
March 23, 2020 March 23, to most people, is just another day. It doesn’t hold any significant value to the general public. But it was a day I gave meaning to during the brighter days of summer...
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